How To Avoid Boredom When Traveling Alone

Traveling alone is a liberating experience that can open up opportunities to meet new people, see new places, and learn new things about yourself and the world around you. That said, there will probably be times when you’ll find yourself bored on your own, especially if you’re traveling alone for the first time.

To avoid boredom when traveling alone, you should research activities that interest you when planning your trip. This way, you’ll have a list of things to do that you’re excited about. One of the best things about traveling solo is that you can spend time doing what you’re most interested in. 

When you travel by yourself, it’s easy to fall into a routine of waking up, exploring, eating, sleeping, and repeating. While there’s nothing wrong with any of that, it can sometimes lead to feelings of boredom. Keep reading to learn some great ways to keep yourself entertained while traveling solo!

1. Plan Your Travels

If you’re used to planning vacations with family or friends, going solo might seem a bit daunting. But with a little forethought, you can easily plan an exciting and adventurous trip by yourself. Here are a few tips: 

  • Do your research. Figure out where you want to go and what you want to see. Look up attractions, restaurants, and events in the area ahead of time.
  • Make a loose itinerary. Having an idea of what you want to do each day will improve your experience tenfold. But don’t stick to your itinerary rigidly – part of the fun of traveling alone is being spontaneous!
  • Find the right accommodation for you. If you’d like to meet people on your trip, then it might be a good idea to look for hostels or homestays. If you want to relax on your own, then look for small hotels with private rooms. 

2. Make Local Friends Along the Way

One of the best ways to combat feeling alone while traveling is to make friends with the locals. This can be done by simply striking up a conversation with someone, attending a meetup, or taking a group tour. Breaking the iceOpens in a new tab. and getting to know people will help you feel more comfortable in your surroundings and less bored.

Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with the locals. Most of them want an opportunity to speak English as well, so it’s not uncommon for them to jump at the chance! Meetups offer an excellent opportunity to meet other travelers with similar interests. You’ll get a chance to socialize without being too alone or lonely. 

Take advantage of all-inclusive toursOpens in a new tab. and try one outside your comfort zone. Meeting new people while learning about new cultures keeps things interesting!

3. Stick With Your Strengths

When you’re traveling solo, it’s essential to stick with your strengths. You’ll want to socialize as much as possible if you’re an extrovert. Make plans to meet up with locals and other travelers. Go to bars and clubs, and participate in activities and tours.

If you’re introverted, however, you’ll want to prioritize self-entertainment. Make sure you have plenty of books, movies, and games on hand. Consider downloading some apps that will help keep you entertained. And don’t forget to give yourself some downtime each day to relax and be alone with your thoughts.

No matter what your personality type, there are ways to avoid boredom when traveling solo. Just be prepared and make a plan before you go!

4. Absorb the Culture and Local Traditions

When you travel to a new place, it’s important to try and absorb as much of the culture and local traditions as possible. This can be a great way to stave off boredom, especially when traveling alone. One way to do this is to go on guided toursOpens in a new tab., which can help you learn about the history and culture of a place.

Another way is to interact with locals as much as possible. Strike up conversations with people in cafes, on public transportation, or even just walking down the street. Thanks to smartphones, it’s now very easy to keep yourself in a bubble of your own world. You can text your old friends, listen to the music you’re used to, and even listen to podcasts you already know. 

You should try to break free of this bubble as much as possible. Not only will this help you learn more about the place you’re visiting, but it can also be a great way to make new friends.

5. Engross Yourself With Nature

There’s something special about nature that just seems to ease the mind and body. When you’re engrossed in nature, you can let go of all the stressors in your life and just be alone. If you’re feeling bored while traveling solo, take some time to explore the great outdoors. 

Even if you’re not an outdoorsy person, there are plenty of ways to enjoy nature without hiking or camping. Just take a walk around the neighborhood, bazaar, or visit a nearby park. Allow yourself to get lost in the beauty of your surroundings, and you’re sure to find some peace and solitude.

6. Read a Book

One of the best ways to avoid boredom when traveling alone is to read a book. A good book can transport you to another world, introduce you to new characters, and keep you entertained for hours on end. 

And best of all, you can always take it with you when you travel. So, next time you feel bored on your solo trip, reach for a book instead. You might just find that it’s the best way to avoid boredom and make the most of your trip.

7. Write a Travel Journal

When you travel alone, it’s easy to go from place to place without really taking the time to experience each location. But one great way to avoid boredomOpens in a new tab. and really make the most of your solo travels is to keep a travel journal.

A travel journal is a great way to document your adventures, both big and small. It’s also a great way to reflect on your experiences and learn more about yourself. If you’ve never kept a journal before, there is no need to fret – it’s easy to get started. Just grab a notebook and start writing down your thoughts, observations, and anything else that comes to mind.

Not sure what to write about? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • What was your favorite part of the day?
  • What did you learn today?
  • What are some experiences you’d love to share with friends and family?

8. Keep Yourself Entertained With Movies, Music, and Games

  • Watch movies. Solo travel is an excellent opportunity to catch up on all the movies you’ve been meaning to watch. Consider downloading a few movies or Netflix shows to your laptop or tablet before you go.
  • Listen to music or audiobooks. Music and audiobooks can help pass the time on long bus or train rides. Make sure to download some of your favorites before you go.
  • Play games. Games are a great way to entertain yourself when traveling alone. Whether you’re playing solo or with others, games can help you kill time and have some fun.

9. Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts are a great way to entertain yourself, and there are many different types of podcasts that you can choose from. Whether you’re interested in learning about history, hearing someone’s personal story, or just getting a good laugh, there is sure to be a podcast out there for you. So next time you’re feeling bored while traveling solo, be sure to give a podcast a try.

10. Talk With Your Loved Ones

Before you leave on your trip, talk with your loved ones about your travel plans. Let them know where you’ll be going and for how long. Share your itinerary with them, too. This way, they can follow along with your trip and feel like they’re a part of it even though they’re not there in person.

Plus, it’s always good to check in with your loved ones while you’re away. Make sure to call or text them every now and then to let them know you’re safe and sound.

11. Take Photos and Selfies

Whenever you travel, make sure to take photos and selfies! This is a great way to document your trip and have memories to look back on. But don’t just take photos of yourself–get out there and explore! Take pictures of the things you see, the people you meet, and the places you go. And don’t forget to have fun!

12. Enjoy the Local Cuisine

There are plenty of great things about traveling solo, but one of the best has to be the opportunity to enjoy local cuisine without having to compromise. When you’re not tied down by someone else’s preferences, you can order whatever you want and take your time savoring it. Plus, you can go where and when you want without having to worry about coordinating schedules. 

13. Offer To Take Local Friends for an Outing

Instead of cooping yourself up in your hotel room, venture out and explore your surroundings. Talk to the locals and get to know them. And if you’re feeling really bold, offer to take them on an outing. This could be anything from exploring your surroundings to grabbing a bite to eat. Not only will you get to experience the local culture, but you’ll also make some new friends in the process.

14. Hire a Travel Guide

When you’re planning a trip, it can be helpful to hire a travel guideOpens in a new tab.. A professional guide can help you plan your itinerary, book your accommodations, and provide information about the best things to see and do at your destination. Plus, having a guide can help you avoid getting bored while you’re traveling solo. Here are a few tips for finding the right travel guide for your trip  

  • Find someone who has experience in the area you’ll be visiting. Ask if they have any recommendations or a personal list of must-see attractions. 
  • You may want to ask them if they have any particular expertise with specific groups like seniors or families with young children. 
  • Ask for testimonials from previous clients or browse their reviews online (ensure they’re authentic). 
  • Research what other travelers think of them, and read any blog posts they’ve written about their trips before hiring them as your travel guide. 
  • Finally, ensure that you get everything agreed upon before departing on your trip, so there are no surprises down the line!

15. Join a Solo Travel Group 

Consider joining a solo travel group. This can be a great way to meet new people and avoid boredom while on the road.

There are many different types of solo travel groupsOpens in a new tab., from those that focus on specific activities like hiking or biking to those that are just for singles. You can find a group that fits your interests and budget, and you’ll likely make some new friends along the way.

If you’re interested in joining a solo travel group, you should keep a few things in mind. First, make sure to do your research and pick a group that is reputable and has good reviews. Second, book your trip well in advance to secure a spot in the group. And finally, be prepared to socialize.

A solo road trip can quickly become boring, but luckily there are many ways to fill your time on the road. Read all about them in my guide. [How to Pass Time on a Road Trip By Yourself]

16. Try Learning the Local Language

When you travel to a new country, it can be helpful to try and learn some of the local languages. Not only will this help you communicate with locals, but it can also make your trip more enjoyable. 

Trying to learn a few key phrases before you go can be helpful. There are many apps and online resourcesOpens in a new tab. that can help you. Don’t be afraid to practice with locals–they’ll often be happy to help you out. And even if you don’t become fluent, being able to say a few words in the local language will show that you’re making an effort, and people will appreciate that.

17. Don’t Try to be Busy All the Time

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of travel and try to pack every minute full of activity. But sometimes, it’s essential to slow down and enjoy brief moments of loneliness. These moments can be some of the most enriching and rewarding experiences of travel.

In our fast-paced, always-connected world, loneliness can be seen as a negative emotion. But it doesn’t have to be. Embrace loneliness on your travels and use it as an opportunity to reflect on your experiences, learn more about yourself, and connect with the world around you.

Traveling on your own can be a unique experience. If you’re on the fence about it, see how it compares with having companions on your trip in my guide. [Traveling Alone Vs With Others: Which is Better?]


Loneliness and boredom can be tough emotions to cope with, but it is essential to embrace them when you can. It is a reminder that you are human and that you need a connection with others. So next time you feel lonely while traveling, take a moment to appreciate it and be with yourself.

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